Sunday, June 7, 2009

Everything's magic

Life is so incredible. There's a song by Angels & Airwaves called Everything's Magic... I LOVE it and have recently become addicted to it. haha
So hear this please
And watch as your heart speeds up endlessly
And look for the stars as the sun goes down
Each breath that you take has a thunderous sound
Everything, everything's magic
Just sit back and hold on, but hold on tight
Prepare for the best and the fastest ride
And reach out your hand and I'll make you mine
Everything, everything's magic

The funny thing about songs is that they can mean a number of things. Songs are actually quite similar to the Bible in that they both can mean different things for different moments in life, for different people, for different circumstances.
That's the chorus of the song... It's my favorite part too. Some people would look at this and could interpret it as saying "the world's magical, look at everything the universe gives and does". Well, since I don't believe that the universe is it's own being, rather than a massive and wonderous creation, I look at it as "WOW, God is unbelievable" I mean, God is such magic. The stars, the sun, our breathing, our hearts... Fascinating, complex, BEAUTIFUL. I especially like the second half of the chorus "Just sit back and hold on, but hold on tight. Prepare for the best and the fastest ride. Reach out your hand and I'll make you mine." Life is such a ride. Everyone will say that no matter what they believe in. The part I like most about that is the last line... Reach out your hand and I'll make you mine. You could go a million ways with this thing. You could take it as someone talking to their friend. A lot of times, this song has a double meaning for me while I'm listening to it. It's an encouragement for friends to join me in this incredible journey, to look at life from different eyes, to see the beauty and wonder and life that's here. Whether those different eyes include a walk with God, I don't know. I would hope that at some point it would, but I don't believe in forcing people to do anything. The second way I see this is as God saying it. God telling you that it's the best present He could give you. A fast paced and unexpected journey. Sometimes life seems slow, but in retrospect, it's quick. We know that life can be amazing on the base level. A lot of people who don't believe in God live full and joyous lives, but taking His hand and enjoying it with Him is even better. GAH! It's just amazing to me. I'm blessed by this life and by my God.

There's more I could write about that because it's just never ending to talk about how awesome God is, but I think I'll stop there (:

Leader's meeting nights are definitely ones I look forward to and are, quite possibly, my favorite night of the month. I had one of the most real and honest conversations with God. I realized I need to have more of those, too, cause there aren't many of them that happen.

Let's see... Two things to talk about, both equally amazing; where to start. One's Brittany, the other is James.
We'll just start with Brittany because I can.
Soooooooooo through most of my talking about the song lyrics, I was thinking about those things in relation to my best friendship with her. On Friday, I ended up talking about her as well... It was during an exercise that Chris had us do. We listed off things that were priorities/ideals/values of ours just in life in general. One of my ideals/priorities in life is laughter; to laugh myself, to make people laugh. The second part was "Why is that important to you?" "Why is laughter important to me?" "Yeah." Well... It was hard to explain. I mean, you laugh because something's funny, but that doesn't mean it's important. You laugh because you like the feeling of being happy, but that's not the root of it. I laugh mostly with Brittany. Not because I don't find things funny with other people, quite frankly, it's easy to make me laugh, so I find things funny when I'm with most people. I spend the most time in relationship with Brittany... I spend the most time during the day talking to her and connecting with her in some form. A lot of the time, our laughter comes as a relief for her. When she's upset, crying, pissed off, down about anything, the best way to pull her out of that is to make her laugh. Which really isn't hard to do if you know her (: So I got to talk about her. It was fun, actually. I felt like I was bringing my outside world in and making it relevant to everything else. With the song lyrics, it's how I feel for her. That sounds strange... lol She hasn't been truly happy in almost ten years. I want her to see the beauty in life, to enjoy things and be able to sit still in a moment and feel happy and at peace. I feel like a lot of times, I have goals for what I can do to help a friend... That's mine with Brittany. To get her to be happy, to know a love unlike anything else, to be truly at peace.
James... My amazing boyfriend. It's funny because we all know humans aren't perfect and to use that word is fairly loaded and sometimes a negative, but he's perfect for me. How cheesy does that sound! haha I mean, really, though, he's my best friend who I just happen to be in love with. Which just happens to make it all more spectacular. He and I were talking the other day about things we want to do... I had asked him some random question about probably nothing in particular and the he asked if he could ask me something. lol His question? "Can we go into poor countries and help people out?" I thought I could die I was so happy. UHM, YEAH!? haha We can do that. My thing was we can do that and I want to start something here as well. My Love On the Line project (: My future has never looked more amazing. I cannot wait to LIVE. I mean, I'm living now and things are incredible RIGHT NOW, but the future is astonishingly exciting!

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